Trampoline seul, à plusieurs, en famille

Trampoline seul, à plusieurs, en famille

Trampoline seul, à plusieurs, en famille

Trampoline seul, à plusieurs, en famille
Keep fit!
Test your physical skills with the Ninja course and/or jump for fun with our Trampo area.
Concept coming from Japan, the Ninja course is a sports obstacle course with several levels of difficulty. The Ninja Apprentice will need agility, endurance and strength to Try the challenge.
The Trampo area is a succession of play areas around the trampoline:
> Dodge Ball: dodgeball on a trampoline,
> Jump pit: to attempt tricks acrobatics in complete safety,
> Slackline: test your balance while playing au tightrope walker,
> Foampit, Wallrun...
For your safety, socks non-slip pads are on sale on site for €2.
Regular price
€10 per hour per person, for children over 6 years old.
Reduced price
€8 per hour per person, for children over 6 years old, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Family Time
€12 per hour for 3 to 6 year olds accompanied by an adult.